Analyzing your Meta Tags !

as i already promised in my last post , i am posting a tool which will analyze your Meta Tags and show the effect of your blog on search engines ..

Meta Tag Analyzer

Check your meta tags!




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Online Meta Tag Analyzer
provided by The Blogger Classroom.

use the Tool to analyze your meta tags

How To : Add META TAGS to your blog !

if you never heard anything of Meta tags and haven't considered on doing anything about them , this article could help you big time!

what are meta tags ?
Meta tags are nothing but keywords which help the search engines to pick up on your blog's Niche .


you'd receive more search engine traffic based on the searched keywords

How can you add Meta Tags to your blog ?

1. Login to your blogger account , goto layout  then goto the Edit HTML tab  
2. then Search for the following code  

<b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/> 
 3. then place the following code just under the searched one .
<meta content=’DESCRIPTION HERE‘ name=”description”/>
<meta content=’KEYWORDS HERE‘ name=”keywords”/>
<meta content=’AUTHOR NAME HERE‘ name=”author”/>
 4. just edit the Red parts namely the desciption,keywords and author name .

5. the meta tags have to appropriate . do not use more than 3-4 keywords and the description is not meant to be the keywords ...

My next post is going to be on how to analyze the meta tags for your SEO needs .. cya

How To : Add a " read more " button in blogger

I guess you people pretty much know the "read more" button which is being widely used these days ....why do people use it ?

1. to Have as many posts in the homepage as possible.
2. to make the blog look simple yet sleek .
3. to get more page views .
4. to get more comments .

by having a embedded comment form just below the post area , you can ensure that people comment on your blog more often .

okay this tuorial is going to teach you on how to add the read more button from official blogger itself . no scripts,no template editing, no hacks .

just follow the steps .

1. Be sure you are using the latest or the " new editor " , if you're not using it then Just go to Settings>Basic and change the post editor option to "Updated editor" .

2. here comes the logic part or the fun part actually. while writing the post , all you have to do is insert jump break after a paragraph or after a few lines which you feel must appear in the homepage .

3. after inserting the jump break, continue writing and finish the post and publish!

thats it ! now you're homepage is capable of holding more posts than before ..

TIPS & TRICKS :- just be sure that you hide the "real thing" . i guess you know what i meant . You have to force the reader to click on the "read more" button .
for example , you have a picture of an actress and you decide on blogging it
you start on with the title like " Hot Actress photoshoot " and write some subtitles or intro and you jump break just before the picture appears . this forces the user to click on the " read more" and hence you get more page views and more page views = more $$$$$ .

happy blogging !

Contact The Admin!

any queries regarding advertising,back-linking and stuff can be made using the form and i'll try my best to respond to each mail .

Note :- please provide a valid e-mail id so that i can respond back .
Caution:- i am really looking out for some linking stuff , so make it fast buddy

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The Blogger Classroom Changes its Color!

after a month of in activeness , i am back to blogging and in style . the blog has been stripped off from it's old boring colors into a new skin which contains sort of web 2.0 features. hope the skin is good and working perfectly. thanks for visiting the blog and please comment :P

Make Your Blogger Blog Do-Follow

after a long long gap i just wanna return to blogging and i am here with the very famous DO-follow or NO-follow tags.

as you already know links in the Blogs having NO follow tags aren't follwed by the search engines so when you make your blog a do-follow by removing the no-follow tag , you can encourage people to give out comments and a few backlinks for their comments.
forget about the disadvantages because none comes perfect or nothing is perfect in this world. lol

okay these are the steps to make your blog a do-follow one.

Sign in to blogger account and go to Layout. Click Edit HTML, check the "Expand widget templates" box..

now you have to search for this code ( use ctrl+F or something related to your browser)

and search for

<a expr:href='data:backlink.url' rel='nofollow'><data:backlink.title/></a>
and next search for
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><></a>
just remove both the snippets and thats it , youve made your blog a do -follow one

PS :- This Blog is also a Do-follow one , so please comment and i'll follow :D

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