as i already promised in my last post , i am posting a tool which will analyze your Meta Tags and show the effect of your blog on search engines ..
use the Tool to analyze your meta tags
Blogging , blogger tutorials,tricks,tips,scripts and hacks
as i already promised in my last post , i am posting a tool which will analyze your Meta Tags and show the effect of your blog on search engines ..
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if you never heard anything of Meta tags and haven't considered on doing anything about them , this article could help you big time!
what are meta tags ?
Meta tags are nothing but keywords which help the search engines to pick up on your blog's Niche .
you'd receive more search engine traffic based on the searched keywords
How can you add Meta Tags to your blog ?
1. Login to your blogger account , goto layout then goto the Edit HTML tab
2. then Search for the following code
<b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/>3. then place the following code just under the searched one .
<meta content=’DESCRIPTION HERE‘ name=”description”/>
<meta content=’KEYWORDS HERE‘ name=”keywords”/>
<meta content=’AUTHOR NAME HERE‘ name=”author”/>4. just edit the Red parts namely the desciption,keywords and author name .
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I guess you people pretty much know the "read more" button which is being widely used these days ....why do people use it ?
1. to Have as many posts in the homepage as possible.
2. to make the blog look simple yet sleek .
3. to get more page views .
4. to get more comments .
by having a embedded comment form just below the post area , you can ensure that people comment on your blog more often .
okay this tuorial is going to teach you on how to add the read more button from official blogger itself . no scripts,no template editing, no hacks .
just follow the steps .
1. Be sure you are using the latest or the " new editor " , if you're not using it then Just go to Settings>Basic and change the post editor option to "Updated editor" .
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any queries regarding advertising,back-linking and stuff can be made using the form and i'll try my best to respond to each mail .
Note :- please provide a valid e-mail id so that i can respond back .
Caution:- i am really looking out for some linking stuff , so make it fast buddy
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after a month of in activeness , i am back to blogging and in style . the blog has been stripped off from it's old boring colors into a new skin which contains sort of web 2.0 features. hope the skin is good and working perfectly. thanks for visiting the blog and please comment :P
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after a long long gap i just wanna return to blogging and i am here with the very famous DO-follow or NO-follow tags.
as you already know links in the Blogs having NO follow tags aren't follwed by the search engines so when you make your blog a do-follow by removing the no-follow tag , you can encourage people to give out comments and a few backlinks for their comments.
forget about the disadvantages because none comes perfect or nothing is perfect in this world. lol
okay these are the steps to make your blog a do-follow one.
Sign in to blogger account and go to Layout. Click Edit HTML, check the "Expand widget templates" box..
now you have to search for this code ( use ctrl+F or something related to your browser)
and search for
<a expr:href='data:backlink.url' rel='nofollow'><data:backlink.title/></a>and next search for
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><></a>just remove both the snippets and thats it , youve made your blog a do -follow one
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here i created a menu for this blog .
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hmm , after seeing so many scripts and so many features, blogger has amazed me with the flexibility it has provided for a user. all you have to remember is that you can do anything in blogger once you start exploring the HTML of your blog, but be sure to save your template before hand so that you can restore it when you mess it up.
Today, i decided to Write this tutorial To add a Drop Down Menu to your blog .
so starting with the basics, just login to your blogger account , select a blog , click on the layout , click on the page elements tab and click on "add a Gadget" button.
now follow the procedure :-
1. Click on HTML/Javascript option (usually the fourth from top) . click on Add to blog .
2. Copy the Code below and paste it in the gadget area .
UPDATE :- You can view the Drop down menu HERE
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You might not be understanding this. let me explain it to you .
What is Hover color?
hover color is nothing but the color in which the link turns , when you put your mouse over a link .
Normally it would show one color on many sites but to make your blog more funky or cool , lets make it turn into rainbow colors . for example see this :- just hover your mouse over the link Blogger Tutorials
See the change of colors?
Follow the procedure to get this onto your blogger blog .
1. Download this script called Rainbow . ( from here : )
2. Extract the file and host the javascript file (.js file)
3. Note down the URL of the hosted JS file and
4. Make a script source code like this
<script scr='URL'/>
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if you are interested in writing for this blog, just contact me @
Requirements :-
► Only Upto 2-3 Backlinks per post .
► Need Not be An Expert in English,But Should be Fluent and Avoid Spelling/Grammatical errors. editing will be done by me .
► Should have Some experience like writing for your own blog/articles around the net .
Please Contact ASAP
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Now Coming to the fact that i blog and get some visitors reading my posts, i'm confused a lot on whether the readers like my blog or do i need to improve . please help me improve . just comment now :D
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you can check whether your site is sandboxed by google or not. it also shows the indexed pages by google.
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check your backlinks using this unique seo tool . entering www. shows a difference in the number of back-links
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wow, just 4 posts into the blogger classroom and all the four topics got enrolled in
this site gathers all post around the internet and only shows the best unique content. glad that the blogger class room has made into the top posts in the blogging section!
if you actually knew blogging is the #2 nd most competitive keyword after marketing.
see the screenshot :-
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it's really difficult these days to find some honest bloggers around the internet. i actually thought of writing about a blog and give him a spotlight as well because what he did is post a article on changing favicon for blogger and he back-linked to me instead off copying the content. thanks .
information :-
blog :-
Author :- rick Barron
her's a pic from the blog :-
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create a random post link so that when visitors click on it they can read a random post instead of reading the posts in the order of submission , so what you have to do ?
<div id="myLuckyPost"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> function showLucky(root){ var feed = root.feed; var entries = feed.entry || []; var entry = feed.entry[0]; for (var j = 0; j <; ++j){if ([j].rel == 'alternate'){window.location =[j].href;}}} function fetchLuck(luck){ script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = '/feeds/posts/summary?start-index='+luck+'&max-results=1&alt=json-in-script&callback=showLucky'; script.type = 'text/javascript'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); } function feelingLucky(root){ var feed = root.feed; var total = parseInt(feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t,10); var luckyNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*total);luckyNumber++; a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = '#random'; a.rel = luckyNumber; a.onclick = function(){fetchLuck(this.rel);}; a.innerHTML = 'View Random Post'; document.getElementById('myLuckyPost').appendChild(a); } </script> <script src="/feeds/posts/summary?max-results=0&alt=json-in-script&callback=feelingLucky"></script>
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Create a Tag Cloud for your blog so that your visitors can easily navigate through your pages and as a result increase your page views.
a tag cloud will look like this when you will successfully install the widget.
search for <b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Tags' type='Label'/>
Distributed by John Smith at
*/ <b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Tags' type='Label'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<div class='widget-content' style='text-align: justify;'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
Simple Blogger Tag Cloud Widget
by Raymond May Jr.
Released to the Public Domain
//Settings / Variables
var max = 150; //max css size (in percent)
var min = 70; //min css size (in percent)
var showCount = false; // show counts? true for yes, false for no
var minCount = 1; // what is the minimum count for a tag to be shown? 1 for all
//Begin code:
var range = max - min;
//Build label Array
var labels = new Array();
<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
var urls = new Array();
<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
var counts = new Array();
<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
//Number sort funtion (high to low)
function sortNumber(a, b)
return b - a;
//Make an independant copy of counts for sorting
var sorted = counts.slice();
//Find the largest tag count
var most = sorted.sort(sortNumber)[0];
//Begin HTML output
for (x in labels)
if(x != "peek" && x != "forEach" && counts[x] >= minCount)
//Calculate textSize
var textSize = min + Math.floor((counts[x]/most) * range);
//Show counts?
var count = "(" + counts[x] + ")";
var count = "";
document.write("<span style='font-size:" + textSize + "%'><a href='" + urls[x] + "' style='text-decoration:none;'>" + labels[x] + count + "</a></span> " );
<span style="font-size:80%;float:right;">Powered by <a href="">Blogger Widgets</a></span>
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Tired of seeing the very old and very common "B" in your address bar? why not change it and make it look funky or creative?
if you don't know whats a favicon , Favicon is a small 16 * 16 pixel image which is displayed in the address bar generally left to the address .. here's a look at it .
search for the code </head> using the browser's in-built text search . press ctrl + F for opera and firefox.
<link href='' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/' />
<link href='' rel='icon'/>
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Many people ask me what's the main difference between Blogger and Wordpress . the concept is so long that i just cant give a single point and say this one is better. for those people, this post could well give the answer .
so, it's time to deeply analyze the two platforms and asses them for their advantages and disadvantages:-
so, lets use Wordpress as WP and Blogger as B . an advantage is colored in Green and disadvantage in Red
1.Installing a blog :- both blogger and wordpress are quite easy to host or install. it's just an export function for blogger . however hosting companies have come up with this Fantastico script which makes WP hosting so easy and hassle free . where as coming to the free versions , it's just 10 minutes of work for both the platforms to establish a blog and start working on it.
result : WP , B .
2. Advantages of free versions :- blogger is the best free version blogging platform . why do i say it? because it can be installed in just a min or two and you can get access to all parts of your blog could it be the CSS , widgets or adding Ads to your blog . whereas WP doesn't allow the template to be edited, doesn't allow users to add any 3rd party Javascript/HTML scripts to be added.
result :- WP , B
3. Time to get indexed :- it was noted that Blogger had a greater advantage because Google owns Blogger and it has all the blogs in it's database.create a blogger site and leave it for a week and you'll notice that Google has indexed that page. however, WP users have to make efforts in making their site visible to google and then get it indexed.
result :- WP,B
4. Categories/labels :- both are nothing but the same . WP calls them as Categories , Blogger calls them Labels. However categories is said to add to the aesthetic sense of SEO ( searh engine omptimization). it's just that categories has a positive effect where as labels has a nuetral effect on SEO. blogger shouldn't be given red , but when compared WP is better.
result : WP,B
5. Templates :- as you know blogger has tens of thousands of free templates , so does wordpress . as i already said adding templates to WP is only possible in self hosted blogs. so i can't really differentiate the advantages and disadvantages . both get Green .however WP has A few templates which make the blog look just wonderful
result :- WP, B
6. Plug-ins: no need to say, WP is the king when it comes to plug-ins . you can literally find thousands of plug-ins which can make life easier where as blogger falls behind as it needs extra bit of coding when it comes to plug-ins.
result :- WP,B
7. Built-in statistics :- WP has a built in code to show the visitor statistics of two days. blogger doesn't have a built in code but 3rd party codes can be added like Google Analytics , Statcounter and so.
result : WP, B
8. SEO :- Wordpress is a little ahead at this time in SEO and blogger is a little behind . however a large depends on the action of blogger .
result :- WP, B
9. Flexibility :- a self hosted WP blog is better than self hosted Blogger .WP provides and satisfies all the aspects a webmaster would love to . it can be edited to an extent that you can even screw your blog and you wouldn't know what you just did.
result :- WP, B
Summary :- blogger is more like a fun way of blogging where webmasters can post their ideas online without any hassels,whereas WP is more like a professional Blogging Platform .hope you like the post .
did i overlook any concept? just post them in the comments.i'll try to edit it later on :)
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in this article i am going to explain the benefits of blogging with blogger. if you actually knew blogger is a free platform owned by Google and allows people to create their personal pages also known as blog.i know you knew that :p . now talking about advantages , the best thing about blogger or blogspot is nothing but it's free. you can create as many blogs as you wish and it's all damn why not visit blogger and create a blog for yourself huh? ( mind you only after reading this article :) ) blogger comes with a sub-domain like nay other free blogging sites . example : . obviously, you can move your blog to your own domain .
okay let's categorize the advantages of blogger :-
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hi guys , thanks for visiting my blog.i am 18 years old and a very potential blogger, i think I'm boasting myself :) as the name suggests this blog mainly concentrates on blogging and mainly blogging in blogger. so what can you find in this blog? you can find in-depth tutorials of blogger and possibly some tricks and also good templates as time passes by. blogger has been a fun platform for me with all kinds of widgets and mainly having the CSS in my very own hands.
why did i chose this niche ? after two years of in-depth learning, i thought it was time to put all my learning into a blog and let others learn. hopefully you would learn something from here and if you wish to be a co-author or a contributor , please e-mail me @ . hope i get a few mails.
enjoy your stay and please comment
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